Prime Factorization:
10x10 Prime Number Grid is a website that generates 10x10 number grids and detects numbers that are primes in the grid. This website can also generate grids that are beyond from the 1-100 grid, meaning that you could discover more primes over 100.
The idea of this website was originated from a project I created from Scratch back in March 2023. Although the project functions the same as the website, the only difference is that the project detects slower than the website. 5 months later, I tried remaking the project using HTML, CSS, and Javascript for fast render and detection, and it luckily works. Another difference is I added a description (or "card") for each number in the website (like factors, prime factors, etc). This website is still incomplete, so I'm sorry if the website has less features and some bugs. Thank you for enjoying and using this website, I'm proud that you liked it!
Created by Hoshea Manein